She Creates Whole Living-hack your health through tiny habits, simple systems and natural approaches for burned-out Mama’s

Laura Hohengasser, Mama of three teens, burn-out survivor, Wellness teacher turned functional wellness coach, creator of Wellness to Weight Loss. Hey busy Mamas! I have walked your path and know exactly what it feels like to always be running from one thing to the next and to have everyone else’s priorities ahead of my own. I, too, used to compare myself to other Moms, who seemed to have it altogether, the perfect outfit, make-up and hair, fit and healthy body, and a smile on their face. I know what it feels like to not measure up, continue to gain weight, and feel overwhelmed and exhausted, but I want you to know there’s a different way to live. I promise that you won’t have to add more to your busy calendar, participate in any extreme diets or exercise programs, or feel shame or guilt for falling off the bandwagon. Don’t worry, I am going to make this easy for you. Welcome to She Creates Whole Living the wellness to weight loss super center for busy, burned-out Mamas. I help busy, burned-out Mamas just like you get on the path to wellness through time management, simple systems, tiny habits, holistic hacks, and an all-natural approach to health-problem solving. I’m going to give you every tool, tip, and hack to help you step onto the path of Wellness and stay on there for good. Every week I will bring you practical advice, inspiring conversations, functional wellness coaching, and support to help you transform from a busy-burned out Mama to a vibrant Mama who has energy to spare and love to give freely! Stay tuned. We are going to have a lot of fun, fill our cups, and make big changes from tiny holistic habits! Are you ready to create whole living?!?!

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Tuesday Jul 04, 2023

Do you wonder why your menstrual cycle is a mess?  Do you get heavy periods, terrible cramps, extreme mood swings and crave sugar?  Does your cycle seem off and you can't predict ovulation or menstruation?  Wouldn't it be awesome to have a period that was manageable and didn't interrupt your life each month?  I get it!  Over the years I have had challenges come up, like heavy bleeding, irregular cycles, intense cramping, mood swings throughout my cycle, insomnia, exhaustion, depression, anxiety.  You name it, and it seems I experienced it.  So much so that I started reading everything I could to understand what was happening to my body.  I saw a naturopath, a chiropractor, a holistic OBGYN, an acupuncturist, and a holistic nutritionist.  My body was a mess!!  From all of these experiences, I noticed a few things that really helped improve my cycle and I'm excited to share them with you today!  They may seem really simple, but I promise you they will make a difference in how you feel each month. 
If you'd like to learn more about me, please check out my website!    

Thursday Jun 29, 2023

Summer is here and kids are home from school, and all they want to do is eat!  How do you keep them fed with healthy food that doesn't break your budget?  In today's episode of the She Creates Whole Living podcast, I am going to share with you my sure fire plan to getting more healthy foods into your kids and sticking to your budget.  The key to this is having ready to go nutritious snacks that have a combo of protein, fat and fiber from my favorite budget friendly stores.  If I can do this, Mama, so can you!!!  Bonus, you'll be reaching for healthier foods, too.  

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023

During my late twenties to mid thirties, I started noticing that my hair looked oily, but brittle and it was wild!  Are you tired of dry, brittle, frizzy hair?  Are you done spending lots of money on high performing hair products but your hair still won't cooperate?  In this episode I am going to share with you three things to ditch to get your healthiest hair, yet.  Wouldn't it be great if you had that looked great, but also didn't place a high toxic burden on your body?  You can have beautiful hair, using natural products and get even better results!  Check out this episode to learn more!
Want to learn more about how I help women, like you?  Check out my website at She Creates Whole Living.  

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023

Did you know that 60% of Americans feel lonely on a regular basis?  This includes all age ranges, walks of life, and people with "close" relationships.  It seems that we are all so busy that we can't find time to develop close relationships!  Are you dating someone, engaged or married?  This could be you, too.  I thought that once I was married I would never feel lonely again, but as it turns out it's a place where you feel the most lonely.  What's worse is that your expectations for your marriage are greater for connection (rightfully so), and yet you might feel the most lonely in a partnership.  I'm here to share with you three tips to help you reconnect with your partner and build a solid foundation for connection for years to come.  Won't it be awesome when you are celebrating 50 years together??  Join me for this episode of the She Creates Whole Living podcast where we talk about wellness from a functional approach.  Let's get to the root cause of problems, address them, and heal.

Thursday Jun 15, 2023

Have you ever looked back at your life and thought, I wish I knew back then what I know now?  Would you teach your younger self a few things to improve your health for years to come?  If you started your health journey earlier, would you be in a better spot?  I think we all have learned so much over the years and there might be a lot of things we wish we could've taught ourselves.  In today's episode I am going to share with you seven health tips I wish I had learned in my 30's. Whether you are 30, younger or older these health tips are impactful, so join me to learn how to live longer and feel more vibrant!
If you'd like to some help on your journey through working with me one on one, please fill out this discovery call form.  I'll reach out to set up a free 15 minute phone call where we will go over your goal (s) and how I might help you.  If we are a good fit, we will talk about a plan to help you meet your goals.  

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023

Are you exhausted, but can't fall asleep?  Do you feel drained, even before you start your day?  It could be because you are overdoing it in life and heading toward burnout.  Adrenal fatigue is a true health issue and many Americans are heading in this direction without even knowing it.  In today's episode, we are going to continue talking about healing from burnout.  Before we can get adequate rest to heal, we may need to make a major life change or major life choices in order for the supports discussed in part 2 to make a significant impact.  Join me as I share with you a major light bulb moment that had a huge impact on my body to rest and heal.  
Feeling burned out and need support?  Would you like to work with someone who knows exactly what you're going through and ways to truly heal and feel better?  Click on the Discovery Call form to apply to work with me!  We'll jump on a free 15 minute call to go over your needs and see if we are a good fit.  

060//Feel The Burn (Out) Part 2

Thursday Jun 08, 2023

Thursday Jun 08, 2023

Do you feel wired all the time, like you can't relax and falling asleep and/or staying a sleep is difficult?  Do you feel tired and wired?  You are exhausted in the morning, but can't fall asleep at night?  Do you feel extremely exhausted and everyday tasks take forever?  You might be heading toward or already in burnout.  Did you know that burnout is both mental, emotional and physical?  We are continuing in our series Feel the Burn (Out) and today will focus on how to start healing your body.  According to Dr. Stephen Cabral's book, The Rain Barrel Effect, consistent, good sleep is our number priority to healing and bringing homeostasis back to our circadian rhythms.   We want to have the most energy first thing in the morning (cortisol jump) and be ready for bed in the later evening (melatonin rise).  In today's episode I will share with you some of Dr. Cabral's recommendations for developing a good sleeping pattern, along with some of my own experiences.  
If you feel you need support to getting your circadian rhythm back to normal, I would love to help you!  Fill out this form, and we can connect to go over your goals and see if we are a good fit.  

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023

Do you feel wired all the time, like you can't relax and falling asleep and/or staying a sleep is difficult?  Do you feel tired and wired?  You are exhausted in the morning, but can't fall asleep at night?  Do you feel extremely exhausted and everyday tasks take forever?  You might be heading toward or already in burnout.  Did you know that burnout is both mental, emotional and physical?  In today's episode we are going to talk about burnout and how to identify the physical signs that you might be heading in that direction.  In this series we will also be talking about healing from burnout and I will be sharing my story.  I hope this series blesses you and helps you find true healing.
As you recognize the signs of burnout in yourself, know that you can heal and feel so much better.  I didn't do it all on my own and I would be honored to work with you.  If you feel like you would benefit from support, check out my coaching page.
If you'd like to work with me, fill out this form and we can meet to talk about your needs and if we would be a good fit! 
Take care!

Thursday Jun 01, 2023

Do you have trouble drinking enough water?  Do you know how much water you should be drinking daily?  Are you exhausted and dragging most of your day?  Did you know that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated?  If you struggle with drinking water and want a sure fire way to hit your water goal, this podcast is just for you.  Being someone who struggled with chronic dehydration and then constipation because of it, I have learned a few tricks to making sure I hit my water goals.  Join me as I teach you 7 ways to drink more water and never be dehydrated again.  
Want to learn more about how I help clients?  Check out my website. 

Tuesday May 30, 2023

Do you get occasional heartburn, but you want to avoid using Tums or Prilosec?  Did you know that 40% of American adults suffer from heartburn, and don't know why?  Did you know that 60-70 billion Americans suffer with a digestive condition?  Did you know that a person's digestive issues could be the cause of their anxiety, depression, or stress levels?  In today's episode we are going to discuss the reasons I think we have an  unprecedented number of digestive issues in the US and talk about ways to heal and use natural remedies to reduce symptoms of reflux. 


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