She Creates Whole Living-hack your health through tiny habits, simple systems and natural approaches for burned-out Mama’s

Laura Hohengasser, Mama of three teens, burn-out survivor, Wellness teacher turned functional wellness coach, creator of Wellness to Weight Loss. Hey busy Mamas! I have walked your path and know exactly what it feels like to always be running from one thing to the next and to have everyone else’s priorities ahead of my own. I, too, used to compare myself to other Moms, who seemed to have it altogether, the perfect outfit, make-up and hair, fit and healthy body, and a smile on their face. I know what it feels like to not measure up, continue to gain weight, and feel overwhelmed and exhausted, but I want you to know there’s a different way to live. I promise that you won’t have to add more to your busy calendar, participate in any extreme diets or exercise programs, or feel shame or guilt for falling off the bandwagon. Don’t worry, I am going to make this easy for you. Welcome to She Creates Whole Living the wellness to weight loss super center for busy, burned-out Mamas. I help busy, burned-out Mamas just like you get on the path to wellness through time management, simple systems, tiny habits, holistic hacks, and an all-natural approach to health-problem solving. I’m going to give you every tool, tip, and hack to help you step onto the path of Wellness and stay on there for good. Every week I will bring you practical advice, inspiring conversations, functional wellness coaching, and support to help you transform from a busy-burned out Mama to a vibrant Mama who has energy to spare and love to give freely! Stay tuned. We are going to have a lot of fun, fill our cups, and make big changes from tiny holistic habits! Are you ready to create whole living?!?!

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Thursday May 25, 2023

Have you ever wondered the secret to living to your 100s?  There are a few things you can do now, to anti-age your mind and body!  One thing you can to do live healtheir and longer is to increase your vegetable intake to 8 to 10 cups a day.  Many clients' drop their jaws when I bring this up, but once we break it down, they quickly realize it can be done.  Do you struggle getting in your vegetables on the daily?  Would you like to know how to hit that mark for optimal health?  Listen to this podcast as I share my top 5 tips to eating more vegetables.  
Want to learn more about how I help busy Mamas just like you?  Click here.  
Would you like to work with me?  Please fill out this discovery call application.  

Tuesday May 23, 2023

Summertime is coming and with it comes sun, sand, waves, and bugs!  Ugh!  Dealing with mosquitoes, ticks, no see-ums, black flies, gnats can really ruin a beautiful day outside.  Do you ever wonder if bug spray is safe?  Are you concerned that you might be doing damage spraying bug spray on yourself and your kiddos?  Which natural bug spray actually works?  These are all good questions and ones I have wondered myself.  In this episode I am going to share with you the most up to date information on using bug sprays, which ones to use and what situations to use them.  I will also share what all natural sprays are truly effective at repelling bugs.  
Want to get to know me more?  Check out my website!

Thursday May 18, 2023

Are you suffering from allergies with stuffiness, sneezing, itching, and sinus pressure?  Are you using antihistamines, but it's not enough?  Do you want a more natural approach to sinus support?  Okay, I got you covered!  In today's episode of the She Creates Whole Living podcast, I am going to share with you 6 tips to clearing up that congestion you are feeling because of allergies.  In this episode I highlight allergic load, supplements, lymphatic massage, essential oils and preventative measures.  Remember, I am not a medical professional, so may sure to check-in with your doctor before using these aids.  
If you'd like to check out the guru in lymphatic massage, check out Lisa Levitt's instagram. 
If you'd like to know more about me and what I offer to clients, click here.  

Tuesday May 16, 2023

Do you dread summertime, because you feel like your kids director of entertainment?  Do your kids whine and complain they are bored with nothing to do and then watch tv all day?  Are you strapped for cash and want to give your kids a fun summer?  If you are looking for answers to these questions, please join me on the She Creates Whole Living podcast, episode 53.  I am going to share with you my top 5 tips to having a blast this summer with your kids.  You will leave this episode with a tried and true to plan and lots of ideas for fun.  
Want to learn more about how I help Mamas like you?  Check out my website.  

Thursday May 11, 2023

As busy Moms, sometimes it can feel like our life is running us and not the other way around.  A busy schedule with lots of commitments can make us feel overwhelmed, anxious, and irritable.  What if there was a way to relieve our stress, focus on the most important things, and feel happy with the pace of life?  There is!  Join me for the She Creates Whole Living podcast as I share my top 5 tips to getting your calendar under control.  Once you take control over your calendar, you won't feel burnt out and resentful, instead you'll feel proud of yourself!
If you would like to learn more about me and how I help busy women get on the path and stay on the path to wellness, click here.  

Tuesday May 09, 2023

Anyone else notice a little extra weight hanging around your middle?  Do you feel like no matter what you do, you can't get rid of the tire around your waist?  The shift in weight often comes from hormone changes as we age, but that doesn't mean we have to accept it as normal.  There are many natural things we can do to improve our hormones and help get rid of belly fat.  Even if you are younger, the tips I'll share in today's podcast will help you eliminate the ever so annoying muffin top.  Grab a notebook, pencil, and a cup of something yummy and get ready for today's lesson.
If you would like to work with me, please fill out this form and I will reach out shortly.  Check out Create Whole Living to learn more about me and how I help women get their health back on track. 

Tuesday May 02, 2023

It seems like everyday there's a new tragedy on the news.  There are more students struggling with anxiety and depression and succumbing to the pressures of life than ever before.  Not only that, but it seems that kids aren't able to handle challenges the way they used to.  In Angela Duckworth's book on Grit she shares her research on grit and insights to developing grit through different experiences.  In today's episode we are going to talk about developing grit and follow through by participating in extracurricular activities.  Being involved after school for kids and work for adults is a successful way to increase passion and perseverance.  Listen in to learn more!
My website.  

Thursday Apr 27, 2023

Are you addicted to sugar?  Do you have a tough time saying no to desserts, sugary drinks, and sweets?  Sugar is as addictive as cocaine and can cause a plethora of health problems.  Sugar is not your friend and you need to break up with it.  In today's episode of the She Creates Whole Living podcast, we are going to talk about how you become addicted to sugar, the negative effects of eating sugar, and 7 ways to help you ditch the sweet tooth for good.  
If you would like coaching around a 30 day sugar fast, please fill out this form.
If you'd like to learn more about me and my journey, click here. 

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023

Adult friendships are hard!  As a busy Mom it's hard to nurture our family, never mind friendships!  But, what happens when our kids move away and we are left with no one.  As an adult it's important to make friends and keep them.  Friendship deepens our sense of community and helps us live longer, so it's important to learn how to be a better friend.  In today's episode of the She Creates Whole Living podcast, I am going to share with you 8 ways to be a better friend.  I know you are busy and I made sure to keep that in mind!  
To learn more about me and how I help women like you find wellness through natural approaches, check out my website. 

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023

Have you noticed that we are scared of the sun?  It seems like skin cancer is inevitable if you don't slather up in SPF 50 and wear a hat.  But is that really true?  Did you know that avoiding the sun comes at a cost and you could end up with cancer because of it?  Our bodies require sunlight to function and research has shown that sun exposure can help prevent asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and cancer.  How do you know how much sun to get and when should you get it?  Check out today's episode to learn the benefits you get from sitting in the sun and when you should get out in it.
Do you want to learn more about how I help busy women like you get on the path to wellness?  Check out my website.  


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