She Creates Whole Living-hack your health through tiny habits, simple systems and natural approaches for burned-out Mama’s

Laura Hohengasser, Mama of three teens, burn-out survivor, Wellness teacher turned functional wellness coach, creator of Wellness to Weight Loss. Hey busy Mamas! I have walked your path and know exactly what it feels like to always be running from one thing to the next and to have everyone else’s priorities ahead of my own. I, too, used to compare myself to other Moms, who seemed to have it altogether, the perfect outfit, make-up and hair, fit and healthy body, and a smile on their face. I know what it feels like to not measure up, continue to gain weight, and feel overwhelmed and exhausted, but I want you to know there’s a different way to live. I promise that you won’t have to add more to your busy calendar, participate in any extreme diets or exercise programs, or feel shame or guilt for falling off the bandwagon. Don’t worry, I am going to make this easy for you. Welcome to She Creates Whole Living the wellness to weight loss super center for busy, burned-out Mamas. I help busy, burned-out Mamas just like you get on the path to wellness through time management, simple systems, tiny habits, holistic hacks, and an all-natural approach to health-problem solving. I’m going to give you every tool, tip, and hack to help you step onto the path of Wellness and stay on there for good. Every week I will bring you practical advice, inspiring conversations, functional wellness coaching, and support to help you transform from a busy-burned out Mama to a vibrant Mama who has energy to spare and love to give freely! Stay tuned. We are going to have a lot of fun, fill our cups, and make big changes from tiny holistic habits! Are you ready to create whole living?!?!

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Tuesday Nov 15, 2022

As a busy Mama, it's important to implement self-care into the spaces of your day to prevent burn out.  One thing my therapist told me over and over again was when stress was high, self-care needed to increase significantly.  Even if you aren't in crisis mode, we are all living in an age of chronic stress.  Creating and using a happy morning routine can reduce your overall stress levels and help the body combat any negative impact chronic stress may have.  Not only that, having a happy morning routine will help you get more done, create more space for fun, and be in a better mood. 
Now, I'm not saying that all stress is a bad thing!!  We need stress in our lives to grow, build grit and perseverance, but implementing self-care into your daily routine is a great way to prevent burn out.  In this episode I will be sharing with you the benefits of a morning routine, what you should add to your routine to make it a fantastic day and tips to making it simple.  
If you would like to join a community of woman, who are jumping on the path to wellness, click on the link below and request to join She Creates Whole Living private community group.  
She Creates Whole Living FB Group
Want to listen to more of Dr. Huberman's Lab??  Click the link below.  He's amazing!!
Huberman's Lab

Thursday Nov 10, 2022

You've been eating healthy, exercising, and fasting, but the scale isn't moving for you!  Maybe you're noticing fatigue, bloating and brain fog, but not sure where it's coming from.  Hey Mama!  During this episode, we are going to be talking about environmental toxins and how they may be affecting our waistlines.  I will also share my story with toxins and their affect on my menstrual cycle, as well as weight gain.  By the end we will be able to identify the top toxins in our homes, how to get rid of them and ways to reduce our overall toxic load.  
If you'd like to join a community of woman just like you, please head over to Create Whole Living private FB community and request to join!  We would love to have you.

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022

The world of vitamins and minerals is completing confusing, leaving us busy Moms with lots of questions.  Should I be taking a supplement?  Which ones do I buy?  Are they worth the money?  These are all questions that we ask ourselves, as we are live off a very tight budget right now.  During this episode, we will answer these questions.  I will also give you my top supplement suggestions for busy Moms.  Remember, I'm your friend and not a doctor, so always check with your general practitioner before adding them to your regimen!  Want to know more about wellness??  Join

Thursday Nov 03, 2022

So many woman are confused about what they should be eating or what diet they should be on?  Keto, Paleo, Pegan, South Beach, etc and it can really confusing.  When I work with busy Mamas, we generally start with an elimination diet like the Whole30 to get a sense of what works for their body.  In this podcast, I am going to give you a crash course on this elimination diet and some tips to be successful.
If you'd like to be a part of our community, join Create Whole Living private FB community filled with woman just like you!

Monday Oct 31, 2022

Join me for episode one where I share with you my journey from childhood to living the life of a busy burned-out I went from overwhelmed and overweight with major depression to healthy and healed.  I'll also share with you hope that you can heal, too!  Through this podcast, I'll help and guide busy mamas to identify their wellness challenges and use holistic health hacks to heal.  Join the FB Community

Monday Oct 31, 2022

Hey Busy Mamas!
In this episode, I'm going to share a major contributor and for some root cause to mental health problems.  Anxiety, depression, and burn out are all symptoms of something off in the body, but it doesn't always stem from trauma, stress or genetics.  What we put in our mouths can have a major impact on our mental health.  Join me to learn about the mind/food connection and their crucial link. 
Join Create Whole Living FB Community!

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